A creative, experimental and happy nursery school

The nursery school project is based on the Culture of Thinking and on an entirely comprehensive method that works, for example, on maths using EMAT and on reading and writing skills with Ludilletres. Both are complementary methods that allow students to learn in an experience-based, cross-cutting, playful and extremely motivating way. During this stage, students also begin to learn how to develop projects according to their individual centres of interest. They work on choosing subjects in line with their interests and concerns (such as the planets, dinosaurs, or the animal world in general). Social or natural environment projects allow them to develop a discovery of their surroundings, which is where we have introduced the educational programme “Inspira”.

“Inspira” is fully in line with what we have introduced into the school over recent years: the Culture of Thinking, Loose parts, heuristic play, little worlds, EMAT, and Ludilletres, etc. This helps us lay the groundwork for the humanist education that we have always prioritised in the school in a respectful, natural and healthy manner. Through this new programme we also go further into self-knowledge beyond emotional management so that our students can develop awareness and learn how to breathe, calm down, relax, and concentrate when considered necessary. We do this in a way they love, with yoga and mindfulness based on guided meditations heard in class, asana yoga cards, and emotions cards.

The entire project is an invitation to learn how to reflect so that students are able to identify their own characteristics and adapt their self-concept. They also learn about the people around them and the different groups they are in so that they can assimilate diversity with a positive, inclusive attitude. They also use the student sensory boxes from the Montessori method, which are full of material made of natural elements such as wood shavings, natural rope, chestnut logs, paper straws, corks, and wooden pegs to work on fine motor skills.

English everyday!

English is present from nursery stage, where we combine four methods: the Natural Approach, Total Physical Response, Thinking Culture and Drilling. The former involves structured immersion to ensure students become familiar with English and integrate it just as they have with their mother tongue. The latter involves learning English from songs, dance and physical activity that generates movement, as these actions provide them with a better learning of vocabulary and expressions. The school’s natural surroundings also help, as they ensure students remain calm and receptive and, therefore, are able to integrate English more easily.

Constant interaction with families

Being a small, family-run school provides a very close, positive environment in the classroom, where students have the necessary calmness and confidence to deal with everyday situations. The well-being of the students and their good emotional management right from the outgo is extremely important and, with the help of the school’s Department of Psycho-pedagogical Guidance, they are individually monitored to identify and support their potential and difficulties, should they have any.

Likewise, communication with families remains open, and the school promotes and encourages this relationship through a series of traditional festivities, such as the Little Shepherds, the Children’s Festival, Tree Day and Sports Day, or P5 Graduation Day. Families can follow the daily activities on the Classroom app and other school events and activities on the school’s blog, and on its Facebook and Instagram account: escola_el_pino

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